Process Writing

Length: 1 Day(s)     Cost:$745 + GST

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Virtual Class

Are there processes around your workplace that everyone should be able to follow? Are you worried that too many of your organisational processes are held inside one person's head? Do you want smoother shift changes, handovers, temp/reliever training, or induction and succession planning? Are you a techie who has to instruct non-techies to use equipment?

This course will help you write processes and instructions to streamline your workplace and improve efficiency. The processes could range from seemingly simple how to get a package collected by the courier, how to use the photocopier, through to highly technical how to operate plant machinery or how to use software and applications.

Group Training only - minimum 4 attendees required to run this course. Please enquire for alternative training options at

  • anyone communicating instructions in writing
  • office managers wanting to run a tight ship
  • administrators sick of answering the same questions every day
  • technical experts writing instruction manuals
  • anyone wanting consistent quality delivery
  • anyone involved in the review and revamp of policies, procedures, and processes

None - anyone can do this course. Please feel free to bring your own processes to work on (if any)

Upon completion of this course the attendee will understand the concepts of process writing and be able to prepare and champion the creation of business process manuals

  • what a great process does, has, and looks like
  • the principles of process writing
  • tools for developing processes
  • how to test and refine process documentation
  • the principles of clear communication

We'll work through scenarios and you'll get even more out of this course if you bring your own processes to work on. Get expert advice and feedback from the writer/trainer!

What a great process does, has, and looks like

  • what is a process
  • what kind of process are you dealing with
  • understanding the big picture - policy, procedure and process

The principles of process writing

  • choosing the best method to communicate your process
  • front-end framing
  • instructional writing using an active voice
  • using images to support instructions

Tools for developing processes

  • use the experts
  • bringing together a group
  • draft and review

How to test and refine process documentation

  • ignorance is bliss - choosing the right people to test processes

The principles of clear communication

  • Plain Language
  • speakable words
  • active voice


  • guided process writing from scenarios
  • writing processes for your context