Windows Managing Files

Length: 0.5 Day(s)     Cost:$325 + GST

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Virtual Class

Our aim is to make you familiar with the Microsoft Windows environment (referred to here as Windows) and conventions in order to manage your files effectively.

Windows is the operating system at the core of your computer. Every other piece of software you use is influenced and controlled by the operating system. In this course we cover such features as:

  • Understanding why we need to manage our files.
  • Identifying and using the tools available to manage our files.
  • Creating folders to divide our storage.
  • Moving, copying and deleting files.
  • Locating files by specifying partial names, creation dates or words contained in the files.

It is important that you use your new skills as soon as possible on completion of this training course. We encourage you to take your own notes and to review your Course Guide once you are back at your workplace.

People who want to improve their confidence and skills using Microsoft Windows and their ability to manage files.

Students need to be confident using the mouse, and creating basic files, therefore they should have:

  • Attended the Windows Getting Started and Word Essential Skills Courses


  • Have the equivalent experience that would be gained from attending the above courses.

This File Management course instils confidence to manage files in any situation.

This course covers:

  • What is File Management?
  • Navigating Computer
  • Windows Revision
  • File Management Using Applications
  • Creating Folders
  • Copying and Moving Files or Folders
  • Deleting Files
  • Finding Files or Folders
  • Search Folders
  • Shortcuts
  • Sidebar and Gadgets
  • When Your Screen Freezes
  • Switch Between Applications